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Crank saver KIT - SÉRPÖNTUN

Product attributes
Crank Saver - Pedal thread repair and insert kit
No more problems with stripped pedal mounting threads on the cranks. With the help of our Crank Saver Kit you can repair stripped threads and save your beloved cranks.
First use reaming taps and create oversized 5/8?×24 TPI threads in the crank arms. Thoroughly clean the threads, then apply thread locker to the insert and install it into the crank arm. Finally, thread the pedal into the insert.
For detailed instructions on Crank Saver Kit usage and inserts installation check the video below.
Kit includes:
Left and right reaming tap 5/8?×24 TPI
10 pedal thread inserts for left crank arm
10 pedal thread inserts for right crank arm
Kit comes in the metal box with cut out SOS foam trays, so each of the pieces will be always in the right place.
42.637 kr.

Hjólaverkfæri 14stk

Product attributes
Unior's Tool Wrap is a great solution for a cyclist who wants to be ready for everything or a modern bikepacker, it will come handy even to a more demanding users such as XC or CX mechanics. The bag is compact, light, and easy to store in your backpack or your car. In this version it comes with great selection of tools.
Long ball end hexagon wrench, sizes 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 mm
TX profile wrench, size T25
Crank cap tool
Chain tool, together with tire valve tool
Round spoke wrench
Set of two tire levers
Crosstip screwdriver PH0
Wrap features:
Aluminum eyelets for setting the wrap on the car seat, with fixation under the head rest
Strong Velcro® straps for secure closing
Side pockets with full flaps closing for parts or additional tools
Additional elastic straps for even more tools
Made from coated PU material, waterproof and oil resistant
You can fit mini pump in there as well
14.530 kr.


Product attributes
Unior's Handbook from the Canadian author and expert mechanic Denise Belzil, is a detailed book showing how-to instructions with pictures and additional tips for both professional and home bicycle mechanics.
Denise has been working in bicycle mechanics for almost 30 years, becoming one of its pillars in North America. She established Montreal’s first bicycle mechanics school, Techno Cycle, during the 1990s, where she has taught countless mechanics during her career.
Volume I cover hubs, bottom brackets and headsets and comes on 274 pages. Volume II covers gear and brake systems on 318 pages.
The book is printed on a high-quality laminated paper with a spiral binding, so it's very handy to use during any bicycle service operation.
3.385 kr.

Keðjutöng f.hjól

Product attributes
material: premium flex plus carbon steel
surface finish: chrome plated to standard ISO 1456:2009
Tool can be used by professional or amateur mechanics
Master link pliers are for commonly used chains with master link, SRAM Powerlink or the KMC Missing Link. After chain use and due to mud and rust, it can be impossible to remove the master link with only your hands. With Unior 1720/2DP Master Link pliers, removal of the master link is easy.
3.212 kr.

Lykill f. pedala

Product attributes
Laser cut from same tool steel as our Pro shop pedal wrench, heat treated for strength and durability. Pedal wrench features ergonomically shaped double dipped handle for comfort and enough leverage to loosen all the hard tighten pedals. 15 mm opening is laser cut with precision and perfect angle to help you loosen the pedals as easy as possible.
Made from laser cut tool steel
Heat-treated for strength and lasting performance
Double dipped ergonomic handle for comfort
270mm of length for extra leverage
Small and light weight, perfect for toolbox and traveling
1.250 kr.

Lykill PRO f. pedala - SÉRPÖNTUN

Pro pedal wrench

Product attributes
material: premium flex plus carbon steel
surface finish: chrome plated according to ISO 1456:2009
drop forged, entirely hardened and tempered
ergonomic heavy duty double component handle
How to use the tool:
The professional pedal wrench has two 15 mm openings set at offset angles to easily remove pedals regardless of the pedal axle position. The design and finish ensures durability, strength and precision. The extra long handle provides the leverage to remove even the tightest pedals. Of course there is a bottle opener included for the most difficult workshop activity.
4.649 kr.

Multi-Tool f/reiðhjól 7stk

Product attributes
New Euro7 Multitool - Designed and produced in Slovenia, Europe, from the best materials to the highest standard. Tool spindles are chrome plated, additionally the tips are coated with black oxide coated to ensure the highest tolerance and greater durability. Chrome vanadium 4, molybdenum vanadium 52, chrome-silicon-vanadium 5 are just some of the high end materials used on the Euro17 Multitool that make this product the best.
Euro7 Multitool includes:
Hex wrenches 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6
3.132 kr.

Réttingastandur f. hjólagjörð

Product attributes
material: premium flex plus carbon steel
It is possible to center wheels with dimension from 16 to 29 inch, with or without tire.
Supports hubs up to 157 mm width.
This stand is intended especially for the enthusiast. It is very easy to use, light (2.3 kg) and does not take up much space. The left bracket is fixed and welded to the lower profile, while the right bracket is flexible to different all axle widths.
How to use the tool:
The stand can be folded by folding the leg to the lower profile.
The stand can also be mounted on the work bench with screws to increases stability.
The control sensor is single sided so first the wheel shall be centered on one side, then turned around and centered on the other side.
The additional function enables true checking of wheel discs.
17.547 kr.

Síll m.boga 165mm

165 mm síll með tvöfaldri beygju
1.107 kr.

Síllasett 4stk beint/bogið

Sett með 4 sílum
- Beinn
- 90° bogi
- tvöföld beygja
- tvöföld með litlum enda
4.049 kr.

Sprocket wear indicator

Sprocket wear indicator
2.397 kr.

Umfelgunar Lykill

Umfelgunar Lykill
587 kr.

Viðgerðar Hjólastandur m.ryðfr. pumpu

ATHUGIÐ: Uppfærð útgáfa með ryðfrírri pumpu

Viðgerðastandur f. hjól til notkunar á opinberum stöðum: við hjólaleiðir, tjaldsvæði, við hótel, á ferðamannastöðum og allstaðar þar sem mikið er um hjólreiðafólk.

Standarnir eru búnir verkfærum fyrir einföldustu og algengustu viðgerðir og pumpu með loftþrýstingsmæli.

Verkfærin eru: Skiptilykill, sexkantasett 2,5-10mm, stjörnuskrúfjárn og flatt skrúfjárn, fastir kónískir lyklar í 13,14,15 og 17 sem og affelgunarlyklar

Öll verkfæri eru fest við standinn með sterkum stálvír og þegar þau eru ekki í notkun ættu þau að hvíla inní grindinni.

Hjólið er sett upp á þar til búin upphengi með gúmmíhlífum

Stærð: 400 x 330 x 1400 mm

Standinn þarf að festa niður, festingar fylgja ekki enda mismunandi hvaða festingar þarf eftir undirlagi hverju sinni.
359.177 kr.